We Believe

We understand dry eye symptoms can be extremely frustrating not only affecting your vision and eye health, but your quality of life generally. If you have tried over-the-counter eye drops and ointments and are still frustrated with red, watery, blurry dry eyes, we offer help. Left untreated, you may have dry eye disease that can lead to damage of your eye surface and vision loss.

We have seen the effects from untreated dry eye disease; they are painful, difficult, and worth avoiding. We take proactive steps to protect, repair and promote healing of your ocular surface.

Our Pledge to You

No one should have to experience dry, blurry, sore, watery eyes. Under our care you will receive:

  1. Personalized care with a thorough examination using the latest diagnostic testing.

  2. Full explanation of your eye health. Gain confidence in knowing what the problems are and what treatments offer promising solutions.

  3. Customized treatment that will manage your dry eye disease to help you regain clear, comfortable eyes.